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and at its award-winning lounge in Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Located on level 3 of t

Star Alliance has expanded its paid lounge access service to its modern yet soulful lounge at the Rio De Janeiro (GIG) airport. Besides complimentary access for Star Alliance Gold customers and passengers in eligible cabin classes on Star Alliance member airlines, the lounge will now also welcome all other Star Alliance passengers regardless of membership status or cabin class, for a nominal fee.

This is the third amongst Star Alliance's six branded lounges to offer paid access. Earlier, the service was launched at the alliance's lounge in Ezeiza International Airport (EZE), Buenos Aires, and at its award-winning lounge in Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

For those who can already access the lounge, this now means they have the option to purchase access vouchers for their family members, friend or colleagues travelling together, so that their entire party can relax together before a flight.

Passengers can pre-book and purchase lounge access vouchers on Star Alliance's website, Subject to availability at the time of booking, they would receive a confirmation email with a QR code valid for the day(s) and time(s) selected. At the airport, they can simply scan this QR code at the lounge entrance and walk in.

Easy and Affordable Online Booking

Located on level 3 of the new international departures pier, the Star Alliance Rio De Janeiro lounge offers impressive views of famous landmarks such as Rio's downtown area, the Sugar Loaf Mountain and the majestic statue of Christ the Redeemer. Its interiors reflect the rich architectural heritage of Rio, complemented by impressive handmade Brazilian furniture pieces crafted by local designers. The lounge also offers refreshments inspired by hearty local flavours and can accommodate 150 guests.

Vouchers are affordably priced from USD55 for three hours of use. Passengers will also enjoy a discount if they are a member of a Star Alliance member airline's frequent flyer programme.

Star Alliance VP Customer Experience Christian Draeger said: "At Star Alliance we are always looking to see how we can do more to offer passengers a seamless, great experience. Adding Rio De Janeiro as the third Star Alliance lounge to offer paid access is in line with this. Now, more passengers can relax and indulge in this beautiful space before a flight. Online pre-booking also makes the process very easy, so passengers can plan in advance and head to the lounge without any worries. We welcome more passengers to our Star Alliance lounge in Rio, and will explore expanding paid access to more of our lounges in the future."


上一篇  但收盘出现走弱迹象-上海空运
下一篇   Austrian and SWISS are now also offering Star Alliance facial recognition at Hamburg Airport-欧洲空运